Definicja Tubulitec
Co znaczy TUBULITEC:
wodorotlenek wapnia+tlenek cynku+octan etylowy
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consists of shellac (a natural resin) dissolved in alcohol with i.a. benzalkonium chloride. The microthin layer (ca. 1/1000 mm) is not affected aby the ethyl acetate solvent in the liner.
Tubulitec Primer is hydrophilic, penetrates dried dentin, spreads out into a thin layer and is easy to applied.
Contains i.a. polystyrene and copaiba balsam dissolved in ethyl acetate and is applied over the primer. It is most important that the liner covers all the cavity walls and particulary the entire cervical margin. The risk for leakage is greatest here because the dentinal tubules (ca. 20 000 per mm2) are crosscut and patent all the way to the pulp (sensitive dentin). Furthermore there is frequently no enamel at the cervical margin.
The cervical contraction gap around large composite fillings can initially be as large as 10-30 µm and may occasionally persist. But even much smaller gaps can cause sensitivity and be just as dangerous to the pulp. Most "bonding" systems do not bond adequately to the cervical and the pulpal dentinal walls. A contraction gap filled with fluid is formed and this can lead to complications: hypersensitivity to cold, pulpal damage and possibly secondary caries.
TUBULITEC PRIMER and LINER can be used as insulation under all conventional restorative materials. Several experimental investigations have shown them to be excellent as "liners" under composite materials and should be durable, provided resin impregnation is used to eliminate a possible cervical contraction gap between the composite and the insulation (see below). In experiments a gap has been observed nearest the dentin in a few cases only.
TUBULITEC PRIMER and LINER do not preclude the placement of retention grooves cervically; this should reduce the risk of gap formation due to occlusal loading, flexibility of the material or various kinds of stress. Retention grooves improve retention, reduce leakage and reduce risk of fracture. Effective retention grooves may be made with a notched chisel (see Fig. 1)
Comments on the latest research findings
It is clear that thick insulating liners such as calcium hydroxide pastes no longer meet the requirements for effective insulation. They cannot be used to insulate the cervical wall; the use of retention grooves is precluded and retention of the restoration is reduced. They are partially leached out. They do not prevent hypersensitivity and secondary caries, etc.
Many of these disadvantages also apply to glass ionomer cement as a liner under composite resin restoration. This cement is too acidic, it can open the dentinal tubules and endanger the pulp. The composite can bond too firmly to the "liner" and during setting contraction pull the cement off the cavity walls. These phenomena have been observed in a number of experimental investigations involving different types of GIC-cements, including light-cured material. Some other varnish could be pulled of the cavity walls when the composite contracts.
For etching of ground, bevelled enamel walls with acid gel, 15 seconds is adequate. An etched bevel further reduces the risk of leakage and markedly improves the retention.
Enamel treated with fluoride does not reduce the effect of acid etching. Tubulitec Primer and Liner are not effected aby possible contamination with acid gel.
The technique developed aby Dr. Bengt Mattsson and which should be combined with the ingenious Swedish idea of resin impregnation is simple and quick. There are many indications that this method in combination with retention grooves (see Fig. 1) and with some hygroscopic expansion of the composite can greatly reduce an important biological disadvantage of Class II composite fillings in premorals, namely hypersensitivity to cold, pupal damage and secondary caries.
Treatment technique according to Mattsson:
The cavity and the surrounding tooth structure are cleaned with Tubulicid. A foam pellet is then used to coat the cavity surface and the surrounding enamel with Tubulitec Primer + Liner. Each application is dried carefully with air.
The enamel is bevelled with a diamond point, at low speed and without water spray; liner is removed only from the enamel which is to be acid etched; the intact enamel is not exposed to the risk of contamination aby acid.
Acid, preferably in gel form, is applied to the enamel walls for 15 seconds, and then rinsed with water, followed aby air drying, then filling. Excess resin, separated from the intact enamel aby a layer of liner, is readily removed.
Resin impregnation of the gap
After setting contraction is almost completed, there is a gap filled with air around the filling, especially at the cervical margins. A resin applied to the surface will rapidly penetrate the gap aby capillary attraction.
A thin excess of resin can usually be removed with a hand instrument because the liner separates the composite from the tooth surface. If excess material must be removed with a burr, it has been shown that a 12-bladed finishing burr can be used without coolant; the gap at the surface is not blocked aby debris and it is still possible to impregnate the gap.
Contamination of the opening of the gap with fluid should be avoided; fluid will be drawn into the gap and prevent resin impregnation. However, it has been shown that even if saliva or water contaminate the opening of the gap for a few seconds, application of a blast of air parallel to the cervical gap for 20 seconds will clear the gap for resin impregantion.
A resin of low viscosity such as Enamel Bond (3M) is used and is applied from one end of the cervical margin to the other. This should be continued right around the cavity margins, because cracks may occur even near etched enamel margins.
Penetration is rapid and excess plastic may be removed with a wet cotton pellet or dental floss before it has set.
For light-cured composites, impregnation may begin as soon as the excess composite filling material has been removed. For self-curing materials, six to ten minutes should be allowed for most of the setting contraction occur.
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consists of shellac (a natural resin) dissolved in alcohol with i.a. benzalkonium chloride. The microthin layer (ca. 1/1000 mm) is not affected aby the ethyl acetate solvent in the liner.
Tubulitec Primer is hydrophilic, penetrates dried dentin, spreads out into a thin layer and is easy to applied.
Contains i.a. polystyrene and copaiba balsam dissolved in ethyl acetate and is applied over the primer. It is most important that the liner covers all the cavity walls and particulary the entire cervical margin. The risk for leakage is greatest here because the dentinal tubules (ca. 20 000 per mm2) are crosscut and patent all the way to the pulp (sensitive dentin). Furthermore there is frequently no enamel at the cervical margin.
The cervical contraction gap around large composite fillings can initially be as large as 10-30 µm and may occasionally persist. But even much smaller gaps can cause sensitivity and be just as dangerous to the pulp. Most "bonding" systems do not bond adequately to the cervical and the pulpal dentinal walls. A contraction gap filled with fluid is formed and this can lead to complications: hypersensitivity to cold, pulpal damage and possibly secondary caries.
TUBULITEC PRIMER and LINER can be used as insulation under all conventional restorative materials. Several experimental investigations have shown them to be excellent as "liners" under composite materials and should be durable, provided resin impregnation is used to eliminate a possible cervical contraction gap between the composite and the insulation (see below). In experiments a gap has been observed nearest the dentin in a few cases only.
TUBULITEC PRIMER and LINER do not preclude the placement of retention grooves cervically; this should reduce the risk of gap formation due to occlusal loading, flexibility of the material or various kinds of stress. Retention grooves improve retention, reduce leakage and reduce risk of fracture. Effective retention grooves may be made with a notched chisel (see Fig. 1)
Comments on the latest research findings
It is clear that thick insulating liners such as calcium hydroxide pastes no longer meet the requirements for effective insulation. They cannot be used to insulate the cervical wall; the use of retention grooves is precluded and retention of the restoration is reduced. They are partially leached out. They do not prevent hypersensitivity and secondary caries, etc.
Many of these disadvantages also apply to glass ionomer cement as a liner under composite resin restoration. This cement is too acidic, it can open the dentinal tubules and endanger the pulp. The composite can bond too firmly to the "liner" and during setting contraction pull the cement off the cavity walls. These phenomena have been observed in a number of experimental investigations involving different types of GIC-cements, including light-cured material. Some other varnish could be pulled of the cavity walls when the composite contracts.
For etching of ground, bevelled enamel walls with acid gel, 15 seconds is adequate. An etched bevel further reduces the risk of leakage and markedly improves the retention.
Enamel treated with fluoride does not reduce the effect of acid etching. Tubulitec Primer and Liner are not effected aby possible contamination with acid gel.
The technique developed aby Dr. Bengt Mattsson and which should be combined with the ingenious Swedish idea of resin impregnation is simple and quick. There are many indications that this method in combination with retention grooves (see Fig. 1) and with some hygroscopic expansion of the composite can greatly reduce an important biological disadvantage of Class II composite fillings in premorals, namely hypersensitivity to cold, pupal damage and secondary caries.
Treatment technique according to Mattsson:
The cavity and the surrounding tooth structure are cleaned with Tubulicid. A foam pellet is then used to coat the cavity surface and the surrounding enamel with Tubulitec Primer + Liner. Each application is dried carefully with air.
The enamel is bevelled with a diamond point, at low speed and without water spray; liner is removed only from the enamel which is to be acid etched; the intact enamel is not exposed to the risk of contamination aby acid.
Acid, preferably in gel form, is applied to the enamel walls for 15 seconds, and then rinsed with water, followed aby air drying, then filling. Excess resin, separated from the intact enamel aby a layer of liner, is readily removed.
Resin impregnation of the gap
After setting contraction is almost completed, there is a gap filled with air around the filling, especially at the cervical margins. A resin applied to the surface will rapidly penetrate the gap aby capillary attraction.
A thin excess of resin can usually be removed with a hand instrument because the liner separates the composite from the tooth surface. If excess material must be removed with a burr, it has been shown that a 12-bladed finishing burr can be used without coolant; the gap at the surface is not blocked aby debris and it is still possible to impregnate the gap.
Contamination of the opening of the gap with fluid should be avoided; fluid will be drawn into the gap and prevent resin impregnation. However, it has been shown that even if saliva or water contaminate the opening of the gap for a few seconds, application of a blast of air parallel to the cervical gap for 20 seconds will clear the gap for resin impregantion.
A resin of low viscosity such as Enamel Bond (3M) is used and is applied from one end of the cervical margin to the other. This should be continued right around the cavity margins, because cracks may occur even near etched enamel margins.
Penetration is rapid and excess plastic may be removed with a wet cotton pellet or dental floss before it has set.
For light-cured composites, impregnation may begin as soon as the excess composite filling material has been removed. For self-curing materials, six to ten minutes should be allowed for most of the setting contraction occur.
- Definicja Tetracykliny:
- Co to jest antybiotyków stosowanych od końca lat 40 w czasie leczenia chorób układu oddechowego. Powodują one powstawanie żółtych, żółtobrązowych, brązowych albo szarych plam na zębach dzieci poniżej 7 roku tubulitec co znaczy.
- Definicja Torbiel Gorlina:
- Co to jest calcyfying odontogenic cyst) -zwykle w żuchwie -wysłana nabłonkiem cylindrycznym albo wielowarstwowym -charakterystyczne złogi bezpostaciowej , kwasochłonnej substancji ( materiał zębinopochodny) i tubulitec krzyżówka.
- Definicja Tet-A-Tet:
- Co to jest położenie żuchwy,gdzie kontaktują się ze sobą brzegi sieczne szczęki i żuchwy tubulitec co to jest.
- Definicja Tlenek Cyrkonu:
- Co to jest PE£NOCERAMICZNE NA BAZIE TLENKU CYRKONU CYRKON I JEGO TLENEK Cyrkon jest pierwiastkiem przejœciowym z dodatkiem rodziny tytanowców. Tlenek cyrkonu stabilizowany jest tlenkiem itru,stosowany równie¿ w tubulitec słownik.
- Definicja Teorie Odtwarzania Okluzji:
- Co to jest zbalansowana Najczęściej wybierana koncepcja w razie wykonywania protez całkowitych W maksymalnym zaguzkowaniu kontakt w obrębie zębów bocznych, zęby przednie w polu okluzyjnym W ruchach tubulitec czym jest.
Czym jest Tubulitec znaczenie w Słownik na T .